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The Family Streaming Service

The Family Streaming Service

Regular price ₩40,000
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The Family is at its heart, a community. It's a monthly membership focused around a single principle and ten exclusive videos per month that are explored and discussed in-depth with your guide, Ben Earl. 

We're changing  the way things are done in this industry.

From this side of the curtain, it's clear to see that too much of magic today is intent on making you a better customer - not a better magician. 

How much have you spent on magic that's now just laying in a drawer, forgotten and untouched? The Family changes that, by arming you with tried-and-tested knowledge honed over decades of real-world performances that you can start using immediately - with gear like cards and coins you already own. But this isn't some bone-dry lecture on theory or rhetoric railing against a broken machine. Each lesson is framed around highly-visual, edge-of-your-seat magic, across multiple formats - performance, behind-the-scenes, in-studio teaching, deep-dive masterclasses and live interactive sessions, all taught by one of the most respected names in magic.


- Master your technique, movement and timing to discover what naturalness is all about.

- Control an audience's attention more effectively to ensure they're looking in all the right places—and none of the wrong ones.

- Develop more powerful and authentic performances that feel like you and not someone else.

- Relate to the art and craft of magic in new ways so you can discover new depths of meaning and possibility from what you love.

- Connect with other magicians around the world—sharing experiences and knowledge in a variety of ways.

- Actually improve; making a real investment in your craft—rather than becoming a sucker to overly-hyped trailers and unnecessary products that stagnate your growth.



Every month, you'll get access to:

  • The Family Discord Server and All Community Channels
  • Community-Hosted Online Events (e.g, 'Are You Watching Closely? - Live)
  • Two Effect Videos
  • Two Explanation Videos
  • Two Director's Commentaries
  • One Technical Masterclass
  • A Theatrical Performance
  • Monthly Video Podcast
  • Behind-The-Scenes Documentary (with bonus effect/move)
  • Online LIVE Sessions with Ben Earl
  • 'The Family' Exclusive Products and Discounts 
  • Instant Access to All Content from Previous Months
  • AND MORE... The Family is an ever-evolving membership and monthly content is subject to change over time, with previously released videos remaining accessible in your library.

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
As of today the best thing in magic.

Every month you get 2 absolutely mind boggling effects, professional advice and on the spot problem solving, an in-depth tutorial on technique, Ben's creative art madness, entartainment and hidden gems all over the place. If you are new to magic, this is for you, if you are a professional magician, this is for you. On every single aspect there is something that you didn't yet think about and the Family explores a lot of those details.

There is a genius standing behind and in front of the camera, everything is filmed and edited beautifully in extreme attention to detail.

Besides video content, you are greeted into an amazing community of passionate, creative, friendly magicians, who are not afraid to talk about philosophy, technique, trick, approach for hours on end. Every week (usually) Ben himself joins for a few hours and interacts with the mortal part of the Family. This has become something much bigger than a magic community. You'd have to be extremely superficial if you think that it's only about magic. I'd say that it's about thinking. Thinking on people, magic, philosophy, art, psychology, living, creating, feeling, communicating, changing, experimenting, appreaciating, learning and much more.

The name that can be defined is not the unchanging name, so calling this anything would not do it justice, however, family is what we cherish the most. Family cares about each other. Family cares about you. Join for the technicalities, stay for the magic. This is the way.

Jeremy S
There's nothing like The Family

I don't even know where to begin.

Let's start with value - when you join The Family, you get access to the full library of content. That's over 200 videos ! AND new videos are released every week.
Then there's the content itself - performances, explanations, technical masterclasses, podcasts, etc. This is far more than a collection of trick tutorials, it's a comprehensive ecosystem to make you a better magician. All of it is taught by Ben Earl, an excellent teacher who takes you through everything : the moves of course, but also his aesthetics principles and how they're applied in magic.

The community built within The Family is an important point as well - don't forget to join the Discord server for wide-ranging conversations, weekly video-hangouts and much more.

I you are familiar with Ben's work, you will dive even deeper and find new ways to improve.
If you're not, it's a whole new world out there - get ready to learn some of the best magic possible.

What are you waiting for ? Join The Family.

Incredible and so inspiring

the best membership about card magic I ever bought . there is something for everything , card table, street magic , history of magic , psychology ....
It's so inspiring with so much creativity and I'm looking forward each month to see what is coming next . Thank you studio 52 and ben Earl.

Anthony Yandola
Join this family it’s better then your real family

Seriously this family doesn’t bother you. It doesn’t ask to borrow money. It doesn’t call you in the middle of the night to come pick them up because they’re in jail or drunk somewhere. Doesn’t care about the garbage being taken out or the dishes being clean. Its great. Absolutely zero headaches and for basically pennies. This alone should get you to sign up but if you care more about magic well then Ben is annoyling good at that also. The absolute best teacher of magic there is. Thats indisputable. So join now and gain a family that won’t inch you closer to the grave.

Pedro Dias
It's a steal

Been doing card magic for approximately 13-15 years. I've learned the fundamentals, been into memdecks, perfect faros and all that stuff, fetishising complexity for the sake of complexity. I've also spent a lot on online courses, webinars and props, and so forth.

There is something extremely refreshing with Benjamin Earl's approach to magic, utilising simplicity and elegance as the primary tools for creating powerful magical experiences for laymen. It's easy to forget that magic is not about impressing ourselves or other magicians, only get lost in the hypercommercialisation of the art. The Family is of tremendous value for what you get and a lesson in self-control and mastery. The Masterclasses are filled with insights of great value also for those well acquainted with the techniques being taught, and for each technique, Benjamin Earl offers solid routines to practice. Commentaries on his own and other magician's performances are pure gold and of incredible value, revealing the profoundness of his theory of magic. As if that weren't enough, together with the aesthetical touch of Myles and the Discord channel, The Family is in a league of its own, both as a product and as a community. Before buying the next sensation on your go-to magic shop, do yourself a favor and try 1 month of The Family first. All you'll need is a deck of cards.